While there has been some progress made in predicting extreme weather, it's impossible to prevent or completely avoid, so Stay Safe Storm Shelters is here to help you plan ahead and STAY SAFE during such events...
- - Our steel and concrete shelters are water-resistant shelters and not only meet, but actually exceed stringent specifications set forth by FEMA itself.
- - They are tested to the toughest standard at Texas Tech University Wind Research Center and verified to be safe in 99.99% of all storms - INCLUDING those that register F5, the highest rating for the tornadoes.
- - We provide both above-ground and underground shelters, fitting them into your house, garage, yard or out-building - offering advice and help on the best and most viable way of incorporating them into both existing and new construction.
- - Our shelters come in a variety of sizes, suitable for families, small groups and even businesses to stay within until the danger has passed.
- - As storms have been known to devastate a landscape and make specific addresses impossible to locate, each of our shelters is GPS located for you to register with your local response team.
- On a practical level, ease of use is as important as the security it provides. You don't want to put your loved ones in danger by having to run outside for a storm shelter. Our safe-rooms are handicap-accessible without ever leaving the comfort of your own home...
- The outer shell of all shelters are solid. Our shelters are not only designed to LOOK good but also to stand up for years against corrosion.